Australia Explained season two: Adjusting to life in a strange new land

The  Australia Explained Podcast is back – now in its second season!

The Australia Explained Podcast is back – now in its second season! Source: SBS

The Australia Explained podcast is back for a second season, taking you along the settlement journey of Arab migrants who share some of the most common cultural shocks they experience upon their arrival Down Under.

For most migrants, the journey to Australia is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. We all have expectations for our new homeland. These include securing a dream job, achieving financial stability, taking advantage of high-quality education and a great public health system, while also enjoying a peaceful lifestyle. But many of us are not prepared for the cultural adjustment from living in the Arab world. 

How have new migrants adapted to life in Australia, which is vastly different to their previous lives in Arab countries?
Australia Explained season two: Adjusting to life in a strange new land image

Australia Explained season two: Adjusting to life in a strange new land

SBS Arabic24

Their first days and even months often see a mixture of embarrassing situations, misunderstandings, and surprises. 

It may begin with confusion surrounding the pronunciation of names – often in the way their own names are pronounced by others.  

However, once here, the journey towards stability is in full swing, and a number of cultural shocks follow. 

Over six episodes, guests from different walks of life, explain some of the situations that have been confusing to them and others.  

Who pays the bill for dinner or a cup of coffee, and how does one react in these often-confusing situations? 

What about an invitation to one’s home? Does a new migrant accept the idea of contributing to bringing food and drink to an event to which they have been invited? 

Handshakes, kisses, and hugs can also become the subject of embarrassing moments that need explanation and sometimes justification. 

How do the methods and behaviours of the workplace differ between Australia and Arab countries, how does the new migrant behave within a team whose members come from different parts of the world? 

As for the search for employment, and also a place to live, the question “why it is so complicated here?” is very common.  

In this season, we learn more about Arab migrants who have changed their lifestyles and also discover the changes they are still resisting today. 

Listen to the first episode of the six-part series of Australia Explained season two starting January 26 on your and on our website:
