Professor of Midwifery at the University of Western Sydney's School of Nursing and Midwifery The continued rise of surgical intervention during birth is not a good thing.

Family Planning NSW provides advice on contraception, pregnancy and sexual health to clients.

Family Planning NSW provides advice on contraception, pregnancy and sexual health to clients. Source: AAP

 (world’s leading obstetric body),  (world’s leading midwifery body) and the  (world’s leading health policy body) have all flagged concerns about the rising caesarean section (CS) rate. The President of FIGO stated recently that FIGO believes there should be a focus on delivering "naturally and normally as far as possible. In 2015, the  stated that there was no evidence of benefit when the CS rate went above 15%.

The evidence suggests 34% of women who give birth in Australia have a caesarean section CS. That’s higher than the OECD average (28%), and a lot higher than Iceland, Finland, Sweden and Norway (), a set of countries with the lowest  and death rates in the world.

In NSW in 2010, following a significant rise in CS rates, the (TNB) was introduced. The aim was to support clinicians to reclaim lost skills (due to medicalization of birth) around supporting normal birth.

The rate of (forceps and vacuum) has remained unchanged since 2006 (11-12%). Only the normal vaginal birth rate has decreased over the past decade. The TNB policy in NSW had no impact on the CS rate and likewise did not impact on instrumental birth rates. Forceps have declined from 13.9% in NSW in 1990 to 4.7% in today. The forceps and vacuum rate is higher in the private sector at 13.6% (CS 42.1%) compared to 9.4% in the public sector (CS rate 27.9%) and this is not without for the baby and the.

Using forceps, in particular, can increase the chance of pelvic floor . However, the argument that in order to prevent one intervention, we should embark on a more radical intervention (CS) is illogical and against current recommendations. Undertaking a CS at full dilation to avoid a forceps birth is the most time to undertake this surgery; so this is not the solution. 

Several studies have shown a link between birth by CS and an increase in a variety of health disorders in children, such as asthma, eczema, diabetes, obesity etc. The fact that babies miss coming through the bacteria-rich vagina when born by CS may influence the seeding of a (the good bacteria in your gut). CS may also  or silence (epigenetics) certain genes associated with immunity in the child. There are also for women in and.

Arguments are often made that the rate of CS is rising due to increase in the age of women giving birth. However, there is a variation in rates across the nation for women in the same age groups. Women who give are often the oldest of all women giving birth yet they are three times more likely to have a normal birth and less likely to have a severe perineal tear when compared to similar low risk women birthing in hospital. 

Today, we have strong scientific evidence to help us understand how to reduce forceps and vacuum birth and this is through: (a midwife providing all your care through pregnancy, birth and postnatally); reduction in the use of epidurals (as these and increase forceps and vacuum); reduction in (CS reduced when monitoring intermittent); during childbirth; for labour and birth;; birth at and avoid care.

As practitioners, we need to look at the whole picture when informing women, including by ascertaining what is important to them in their particular circumstances. This is the process of getting informed consent and should be the cornerstone of best practice. It’s time for providers to work with women to ensure birth is emotionally and physically safe for them and their babies.

Rebuttal by Prof. Hans Peter Dietz:

It’s not surprising that Prof. Dahlen defends government intervention in maternity care - she was heavily involved with the failed 2010 NSW policy directive . In my opening statement, I asked ‘Who benefits?’, and it’s time for an answer. We’re seeing the latest episode in a 400-year turf war. Obstetricians, that is, those best-qualified and trained for at least 12 years to provide care in pregnancy and childbirth, have been on the losing side. Midwives have acquired an historically unprecedented degree of control over maternity care. Prof. Dahlen is open about the issue of control: She wants government to force obstetricians out of obstetrics. I thought we were all about patient choice. 

Government interference in maternity care has done enormous harm - nowhere more so than . There have been so many examples of natural childbirth ideology  that it’s finally going out of favour. A few days ago, The Times of London quoted a senior NHS bureaucrat as follows: "It is absolutely not our view that trusts [NHS Local Health Districts] ." Pauline Hull of Caesareanbirth.org went on to say, "Caesarean rates targets have been a huge problem. They are dangerous." I agree. No degree of obfuscation and no amount of pseudo-science will change that.

5 min read
Published 26 September 2018 9:30pm
Updated 26 September 2018 9:51pm

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