

People awaiting their turn to purchase toilet paper, paper towel and pasta at Coles Supermarket, Epping in Sydney, Friday, March 20.

People awaiting their turn to purchase toilet paper, paper towel and pasta at Coles Supermarket, Epping in Sydney, Friday, March 20. Source: AAP Image/James Gourley)


谷歌近日发布的2020年搜索关键词名单“Year in Search 2020”显示,美国大选成为澳洲人最常搜索的关键词,接下来才是新冠病毒。

紧随其后的是NBA,今年去世的NBA传奇球星科比(Kobe Bryant)在搜索名单中排在第六位;排在第四的是在疫情中广泛使用的视频会议软件Zoom;另外,“明天的天气”(Weather tomorrow)和“我周围的山火”(Fires near me)也进入前十,分别位列第七和第八。


  1. 美国大选US election
  2. 新冠病毒Coronavirus
  3. NBA
  4. Zoom
  5. 新冠病毒症状Coronavirus symptoms
  6. 科比Kobe Bryant
  7. 明天天气Weather tomorrow
  8. 周围山火Fires near me
  9. 维州新冠病毒Coronavirus Victoria
  10. 特朗普vs拜登Trump vs Biden

“我们的工作被辞,支持‘Black Lives Matter’游行、支持夸登·贝尔斯(Quaden Bayles)。我们四处寻找洗手液、囤积卫生纸、捐赠干草包。放眼国外,我们关注美国大选、贝鲁特爆炸事件,并与一些伟大人物告别。”



  1. 美国大选US election
  2. 新冠病毒Coronavirus
  3. 周围山火Fires near me
  4. 维州新冠病毒Coronavirus Victoria
  5. 厕纸Toilet paper
  6. 新州山火NSW fires
  7. 澳航股价Qantas share price
  8. 墨尔本空气质量Air quality Melbourne
  9. 贝鲁特爆炸Beirut explosion
  10. 新州疫情NSW coronavirus


  1. 如何做洗手液How to make hand sanitizer
  2. 如何做口罩How to make a face mask
  3. 如何用ZoomHow to use Zoom
  4. 如何做新冠检测How to get tested for coronavirus
  5. 如何做面包How to make bread
  6. 如何做自发粉How to make self raising flour
  7. 如何申请CentrelinkHow to apply for Centrelink
  8. 如何购买股票How to buy shares
  9. 如何申请留职津贴How to apply for JobKeeper
  10. 如何做鲜奶咖啡How to make whipped coffee


  1. 自制洗手液DIY hand sanitiser
  2. 自制口罩图案DIY face mask pattern
  3. 自制颈部吊枕DIY neck hammock
  4. 自制呼吸机DIY ventilator
  5. 自制磨脚膏DIY foot scrub
  6. 自制火坑区DIY fire pit area
  7. 自制厕纸DIY toilet paper
  8. 自制陶艺包DIY pottery kit
  9. 自制抗菌湿巾DIY antibacterial wipes
  10. 自制围巾架DIY scrunchie holder


  1. 哪里去买口罩Where to buy face masks
  2. 网购厕纸Buy toilet paper online
  3. 从丛林购买Buy from the bush
  4. 买游戏机PS5 Buy Ps5
  5. 现在买澳洲产品Buy Aussie now
  6. 那里买洗手液Where to buy hand sanitizer
  7. 购买异丙醇Buy isopropyl alcohol
  8. 买棉包Buy a bale
  9. 买游戏机Xbox Series X Buy Xbox Series X
  10. 买哑铃Buy dumbbells


  1. 哪里买厕纸Where can I buy toilet paper
  2. 哪里能买洗手液Where can I buy hand sanitiser
  3. 哪里做新冠检测Where can I get tested for coronavirus
  4. 我能用养老金吗Can I access my super
  5. 我家里能有几个人How many people can I have in my house
  6. 我什么时候能用养老金When can I access my super
  7. 我在新州能去钓鱼吗Can I go fishing in NSW
  8. 住房贷款我能借多少How much can I borrow home loan
  9. 我能在昆州出行多远距离How far can I travel in QLD
  10. 我能离开澳大利亚吗Can I leave Australia 

Published 11 December 2020 11:57am
Updated 11 December 2020 12:03pm

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