又过生日了? - 庆祝女王生日,各国日期大不同

Queen Elizabeth II and the Duke of Edinburgh make their way down The Mall, during the Patron's Lunch in honour of the Queen's 90th birthday. (AAP)

Queen Elizabeth II and the Duke of Edinburgh make their way down The Mall, during the Patron's Lunch in honour of the Queen's 90th birthday. (AAP)

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女王生日庆典是英联邦国家为了庆祝现在在位的君主女王伊丽莎白二世的生日而举办的活动。有意思的是,不同英联邦国家庆祝女王生日的日期也各不相同,但基本上没有一天是女王真正的生日。 而在英国海外的16个英联邦国家和地区里,几乎都有女王生日的公共假期,各自为女王送上生日祝福。而在不同国家里,女王生日那一天也往往和当地的气候联系在一起。 女王生日到底是哪一天?本期《政治辞典》告诉你!
