美朝关系日渐紧张 中国称即将“迎头相撞”

US Ambassador to the UN Nikki Haley at UN headquarters in New York with Japanese Ambassador Koro Bessho (L) and South Korean Ambassador Cho Tae Yul.

US Ambassador to the UN Nikki Haley at UN headquarters in New York with Japanese Ambassador Koro Bessho (L) and South Korean Ambassador Cho Tae Yul. Source: AAP

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在朝鲜周一向日本西北部沿海发射了四枚弹道导弹以后,联合国安理会召开紧急会议讨论了朝鲜问题。美国方面表示,正在就如何应对朝鲜 "研究所有选项"。请听记者吴音的报道。
