客機墜毀尼泊爾機場 至少50人死亡


Rescue teams next to a wreckage of a plane that crashed at the main airport Tribhuvan International Airport in Kathmandu, Nepal, 12 March 2018. According to reports, Bangladeshi US-Bangla plane had crashed while landing at the airport with 71 passengers a

Rescue teams next to a wreckage of a plane that crashed at the main airport Tribhuvan International Airport in Kathmandu, Nepal, 12 March 2018. Source: EPA/NARENDRA SHRESTHA


機場總經理Raj Kumar Chettri表示,這班美國孟加拉航空客機載有67名乘客及4名機組人員,從達卡 (Dhaka) 飛抵加德滿都(Kathmandu) 時失控起火。



Published 13 March 2018 1:26pm
Updated 13 March 2018 1:40pm
By Janice Lam
Source: AFP

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