

The footage shows a man wearing a large backpack calmly walking towards St Sebastian's church

The footage shows a man wearing a large backpack calmly walking towards St Sebastian's church Source: AP

極端組織「伊斯蘭國」星期二(4 月 23 日)承認策動在斯里蘭卡多間教堂及酒店發生的連環炸彈襲擊;事件目前已造成超過 320 人死亡。


斯里蘭卡政府指,初步調查顯示,復活節發生的炸彈襲擊事件,是對三月份新西蘭基督城清真寺大屠殺的「報復」。國防部長維耶瓦德納恩(Ruwan Wijewardene)表示,相信襲擊是由斯里蘭卡的激進組織 National Thowheeth Jama'ath(NTJ)策劃。
Mohammed Zahran, aka. Zahran Hashmi, center, the man Sri Lanka says led the Easter attack that killed over 300 people, as well as other attacker.
Mohammed Zahran, aka. Zahran Hashmi, center, the man Sri Lanka says led the Easter attack that killed over 300 people, as well as other attacker. Source: Supplied


但新西蘭總理阿德恩(Jacinda Ardern)則對有關聲稱表示強烈質疑。


聲明指:「我們已看到斯里蘭卡國防部長發表聲明的報道,聲稱復活節星期日的恐怖襲擊是與 3 月 15 日基督城襲擊事件有關。」


「伊斯蘭國」官方宣傳機關 Amaq 在一份聲明中指:「前日針對美國所領導聯軍成員及斯里蘭卡基督徒的襲擊事件,是由『伊斯蘭國』戰士所發動。」


星期日在斯里蘭卡科倫坡及附近八處地點發生的爆炸案,死亡人數增至 320 人;新西蘭基督城的兩座清真寺則在約五星期前發生槍擊事件,造成 50 人死亡。
The footage shows a man wearing a large backpack calmly walking towards St Sebastian's church.
The footage shows a man wearing a large backpack calmly walking towards St Sebastian's church. Source: Supplied
Sri Lankan soldiers stand guard in front of the St. Anthony's Shrine a day after multiple explosions.
Sri Lankan soldiers stand guard in front of the St. Anthony's Shrine. Source: Getty Images


Published 24 April 2019 11:00pm
Updated 12 August 2022 3:34pm
By Elsa Tsang, Winmas Yu
Source: Reuters, SBS

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