

A gun shop in Christchurch, New Zealand.

The owner of Gun City says it sold guns and ammunition to the alleged Christchurch mosque shooter. (AAP) Source: AAP

新西蘭基督城(Christchurch)一間槍械專門店承認,該店曾向槍擊案 28 歲疑兇出售槍械。

槍械專門店「Gun City」東主蒂普勒(David Tipple)星期一(3 月 18 日)表示,該店透過「警方認可的網上郵購服務」向涉案男子塔蘭特(Brenton Tarrant)出售四支槍械及子彈。


早前,新西蘭總理阿德恩(Jacinda Ardern)表示,施襲者總共使用五支槍械,其中兩支為半自動步槍,透過使用普通槍械許可證購入並進一步改裝而成。

「Gun City」東主及店員均表示,對星期五(15 日)發生的槍擊案感到「沮喪及不安」,但則強調塔蘭特在購入槍械時,未有發現任何非尋常的問題。

David Tipple, Managing Director of Gun City Ltd gestures during a press conference in Christchurch, New Zealand.
David Tipple, Managing Director of Gun City Ltd gestures during a press conference in Christchurch, New Zealand. Source: AP


Published 18 March 2019 2:44pm
Updated 18 March 2019 2:48pm
By Winmas Yu

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