
家住雪梨西區墾思的 28 歲女子俞琪在本月初失蹤;警方聯同其父母召開記者會,呼籲公眾提供線索。

Parents of missing woman Qi Yu, Qing He (right) and Zhihe Yu (left) are seen during a police press conference in Sydney, Tuesday, June 26, 2018.

Parents of missing woman Qi Yu, Qing He (right) and Zhihe Yu (left) are seen during a police press conference in Sydney, Tuesday, June 26, 2018. Source: AAP

家住雪梨西區墾思(Campsie)的 28 歲女子俞琪(Qi Yu;Kathy)在本月初失蹤;警方聯同其父母召開記者會,呼籲公眾提供線索。


警方表示,俞琪在 6 月 8 日(星期五)晚上與家人聯絡後失去蹤影;警方亦在 6 月 12 日(星期二)拘捕一名 19 歲名為董碩(音譯自 Shuo Dong)的男子,並控以謀殺罪,有關案件正在法院排期審理。

董碩曾在 6 月 13 日出庭應訊;據悉他未有協助警方的調查工作。
Qi Yu's friends reported her missing on Saturday after they woke to find her missing from her room.
Qi Yu's friends reported her missing on Saturday after they woke to find her missing from her room. Source: Seven Network
Car of Qi Yu
Source: NSW Police
警方事後在 Burwood 區 Lindsay St 發現俞琪的座駕,該輛車為一輛 2016 年豐田 Toyota Corolla 型號汽車,新州車牌號碼 DLK 13P

警方指出,該輛汽車被發現時掛有綠色「P 牌」。

警方表示,根據手機定位系統,汽車可能曾經在 8 日當晚 8 時半至凌晨 12 時前往 Hornsby、Berowra、Cowan 及 Mount Ku-ring-gai 等地點,並折返 Burwood。

Family of missing Sydney woman Qi Yu appeal for information, man charged with murder
Source: SBS Cantonese



他呼籲公眾,如有任何有關俞琪的消息,盡快致電 1800 333 000 與警方聯絡。


負責案件的探員劉易斯(Kerrie-Anne Lewis)警司表示,雖然俞琪已失蹤 18 日,但俞琪雙親對女兒仍然存活,抱有希望。

劉易斯警司說:「他們仍抱有希望,但 18 日過去,他們亦明白俞琪仍然在生的機會相當渺茫。」


她表示,該輛汽車掛有綠色「P 牌」,並可能曾經駛過叢林或水源,因此可能車身沾有泥土,稱這兩個特徵可能觸發部份市民對當晚情況的印象。


In a raw and emotional press conference, Ms Yu's mother Qing He broke down as she handed out photos of her daughter.
In a raw and emotional press conference, Ms Yu's mother Qing He broke down as she handed out photos of her daughter. Source: SBS News
Family of missing Sydney woman Qi Yu appeal for information, man charged with murder
Source: SBS Cantonese
Family of missing Sydney woman Qi Yu appeal for information, man charged with murder
Source: SBS Cantonese


Published 26 June 2018 11:30pm
Updated 12 August 2022 3:43pm
By Selina Kong, Winmas Yu

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