8.18 維園集會民陣稱 170 萬人參與

As the apparent standoff in Admiralty continued last Sunday evening, protesters unfurled banners and began chanting at people to go home peacefully.

As the apparent standoff in Admiralty continued last Sunday evening, protesters unfurled banners and began chanting at people to go home peacefully. Source: SBS News/Omar Dabbagh

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8.18 維園集會於下午 2 時集合,至晚上約 9 時宣布解散。 民陣召集人岑子杰稱,銅鑼灣、天后及維園一帶全日有 170 萬人參加集會,而警方則稱,同時間的最高峰人數為 12 萬 8 千人。全日集會大致和平。

另外,由於澳洲大學早前出現中國支持者在校園内與支持香港反送中人士出現衝突,導致澳洲一些政客關注到外國,包括中國共産黨的干預 (interference),究竟他們有些什麽説法,請收聽溫楚良和宋慶勤的報導。
