【美國通訊 -盧穎主持】中美談判本周展開,中興事件有轉機?

President Trump & ZTE

Source: AAP

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這個星期特朗普政府在貿易談判一事忙得不可開銷,包括與歐盟、加拿大、墨西哥及中國等進行談判。與此同時,中國副總理劉鶴率團前往美國,展開談判,而中興通訊公司的禁售芯片令,有可能獲得白宮的另類的寬容處理,但卻被美國朝野兩黨,及學術界齊聲指責。情況如何,請收聽 今期美國通訊,溫楚良與同盧穎的訪問。

The talks are fluid, and Trump has shown a willingness to veer between extremes in how he interacts with Beijing. But Trump said Sunday on Twitter that he wanted federal regulators to take the unusual step of relaxing penalties on ZTE, even though the Chinese company has been accused of illicitly shipping goods to North Korea and Iran.

Chris Lu reports.
