【專家話你知】 吳瑞霞述説海外學生簽證的變遷

Universities set and maintain their own English entry standards and are allowed to waive them at their discretion.

Universities set and maintain their own English entry standards and are allowed to waive them at their discretion. Source: Carlos Andrés Restrepo - licensed under CC BY-NC 2.0

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海外學生若想來到澳洲唸書,尤其是唸大學,一般需要填寫 Genuine Temporary Entrant (GTE) 的信函,和滿足英語水平的最低要求。今日【專家話你知】的嘉賓是雪梨移民顧問吳瑞霞 (Ursula Ng),她會為大家作出講解和回答聽衆的電話提問。
