Angui Karbino Kuanyin:"I fired three real bullets into my mouth not blank rounds."

Angui Karbino Kuanyin Bol holding pistol and AK47 and friend look on

Angui Karbino Kuanyin Bol holding pistol and AK47 and friend look on Source: Supplied

Angui Karbino Kuanyin is a Colonel in the South Sudanese Army but the video emerged on social media this week showing using three types of guns to fire what appear to be blank rounds bullets into his mouth. Angui claimed that he has powers to resist bullets but guns experts are questioning the claim. Today we reached out to Angui or Mike Mike for comment. In this podcast, we asked Angui if he understands the dangers of what he was doing? Angui is a son of South Sudanese freedom fighter Kuanyin Bol.
