Baby girl is thrown into a pit latrine in Kukama, and the community now named her ‘Daughter of God’

Maker Mayen and Kom rescuing the baby in the pit latrine

Maker Mayen and Kom rescuing the baby in the pit latrine Source: Supplied

A child has been rescued in the pit latrine in Kakuma refugee Camp on the 7/08/2019, at around 10:00pm. According to the eye witness, a ‘baby was heard crying in the public pit latrine at Kadugli primary school in Kakuma Refugee Camp’. Soon after the community were alerted by the cry, community leaders, students and the police arrived at the scene.

According to Maker Mayen Lual, the police suggested that a ‘pit latrine be closed and leave the child to her death’. The community rejected the suggestion made by the police, and then they embark on destroying the pit latrine. Maker and Kom were the two people who went into the pit to help rescue the baby and here what he said.

“Community leaders were called by the pupils who were studying in that school. The community leaders then called the police and the rescue operation began that lasted for Four hours. As from 2:30am, on 8/8/2019, we arrived in the hospital with the child where she was admitted for 9 days up to three days ago when she was discharged. She has been named Nyannhialic (the daughter of God). Up to now, her mother is being searched, but all is in vain.”
