Impeachment of Donald Trump

 impeach ment

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United States President Donald Trump has been impeached in a vote in the House of Representatives, setting up a Senate trial on removing him from office after three turbulent years.

Mr Trump is only the third American President to be formally charged under the Constitution's ultimate remedy for high crimes and misdemeanors.

United States President Donald Trump has become only the third American President to be formally charged under the Constitution's ultimate remedy for high crimes and misdemeanors.

The Democratic-controlled House voted 230 to 197 on the first article of impeachment - abuse of power - making the 45th U-S president just the third incumbent to be impeached.

Mr Trump is accused of using a delay in delivery of foreign aid money to Ukraine to try to force the country to open a deliberately embarrassing corruption probe into a main 2020 re-election rival, Democrat Joe Biden.

This President also stands accused of obstructing Congress by refusing to cooperate with the impeachment investigation, barring staff from testifying and holding back documentary evidence. 

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi opened debate in the House on the impeachment of Mr Trump, arguing his actions left politicians with no choice but to act.
