The alleged underpayment of Security officer by MA.


Source: Ngor Ngor Kuany

The alleged underpaid of Security officer in Melbourne by MA.

The alleged underpayment of Security officer in Melbourne by MA. 

 "I start documented everything I did with them whatever i do with, including my time-sheet, payslip, correspondents such text messages and emails when i confirmed that what they have been doing is not right I then sent them to union." Said Ngor.

He alleged that the company owe him $55, 000 as determined by calculation by member of union. Ngor alleged that many security officers  currently and previously employed MA security contractor exploited those who do not stand up for their right share of payment. Ngor carried on to say "there supposed to be different pay rates depending on the time of the day and night for instance, night shift and day shift must be pay differently plus annual leaves, supper and  %25 per cent of casual loading. This company does not pay us public holidays rate,  casual loading and the pay us on plate rates without considering others entitlements". 
