Top KCPE performer in Turkana west


Source: Deng Goch Ayiik (Stringer)

Every year Refugees' students from South Sudanese sit for KCPE Exams for primary Students Kenya wide. This year a academic giant candidate (Madhieu Akol Bol)made a story of being the top performer in the entire Turkana West obtaining 400 marks in KCPE exam from Kaduguli primary.

Every year Refugees' students from South Sudanese  sit for KCPE Exams for primary Students Kenya wide. This year a academic giant candidate (Madhieu AkolBol)made a story of being the top performer in the entire Turkana West obtaining 400 marks in KCPE exam from Kaduguli primary.

Stringer Deng Goch Ayiik has the story from Kakuma. Madhieu was carried around the group as sign of celebration for the entire group 47 as it is known. He was asked at what class he started his school at Kaduguli and whether he had time at boarding school of which he stated that.

"I started in primary 3 three at this school and I have never been to boarding school" Said Madhieu
