What do the major and minor parties stand for?

What do the minor parties stand for?

Voters filling in their ballot papers. Source: AEC

This election is shaping up to be a tight race between the two major parties, Liberal and Labor. In the event of a hung parliament, minor parties and Independents will be power brokers, exchanging their support for policy compromises. But who are the key minor players? And what do they stand for?

  • The Greens are socially progressive, and this election they're pushing for mental health and dental appointments to be included in Medicare.
  • Founded and funded by mining billionaire Clive Palmer is the United Australia Party with policies including no compulsory COVID-19 vaccinations
  • One Nation is opposed to both major parties and will preference minor parties. It was founded in the late 1990's by Pauline Hanson
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What do the major and minor parties stand for?

SBS Filipino


The Senate paper often has a large number of candidates and niche parties vying for your vote.


A full list of policies for each party can be found on their website. 

