What issues do the youth consider crucial this coming election

YouthSpeaks, SBS Filipino, Kabataan, Federal Elections

Source: Supplied by Respondents

This coming 21st of May 2022, the federal elections have stirred Australia in hopes for change - and the younger generation have concerns to raise.

This episode on #YouthSpeaks discusses the issues imperative for the younger generation that needs addressing this coming federal elections. We have invited Honey Dela Cruz, Jan Lawrence Noya, Maria Adriano, Job Marco Sauler, Francois Floresca and Joanna Gutierrez  to share their voices.


  • High cost of living, housing affordability, climate change, and COVID-19 are the main concerns of the youth
  • (OPINION) We need leaders that will show up during times of crisis
  • (OPINION) The government should help ease the rising cost of living and make permanent residency more accessible

#YouthSpeaks is a segment of the SBS Filipino program where we invite youths to speak and share their thoughts, opinions and experiences regarding different topics and issues. 
