Dipping into Superannuation to pay for a house deposit: Great idea or just plain stupid?

Ex-Premierminister Paul Keating hält den Vorschlag der Regierung für "skandalös"und "unverantwortlich"

Ex-Premierminister Keating von Labor: Er gilt als Vater der universellen Superannuation - die es zuvor nur in Staatsbetrieben u.ä. gab Source: SBS

The Government is considering, as part of the upcoming May budget, to help young Australians purchase their first home. One discussed measure is to allow them to access their superannuation to pay for the deposit needed when buying a house. But is it a good idea?

What do others think, such as German entrepreneur Dr Jens Mohr? And why does Pauline Hanson think it should be examined further, in contrast to former shock jock Derryn Hinch who says it's madness? For more, listen to our SBS radio talk.
