An Unfortunate Event: Written by Children

«Ατυχές Γεγονός...», από σπουδαστές τους Ιδρύματος Motivation in Arts που εδρεύει στην Πάφου της Κύπρου.

«Ατυχές Γεγονός...», από σπουδαστές τους Ιδρύματος Motivation in Arts που εδρεύει στην Πάφου της Κύπρου. Source: Supplied

Students from the Cyprus-based "Motivation in Arts" Foundation, are taking part in a radio-theatrical play entitled "Unfortunate Event...", as part of the podcast series "Students and Children Perform Roles in Front of a Microphone" of SBS Greek.

Press Play on the main photo and listen the podcast
Paphos, Cyprus
Paphos, Cyprus. Source: Wikipedia
