Andrew Lambrou ready to "Electrify" Eurovision fans

Andrew Lambrou

Andrew Lambrou Source: SBS, Supplied

Among the 11 entries of this year's competition "Eurovision - Australia Decides 2022" we meet Andrew Lambrou, who is of Greek-Cypriot background, with the song "Electrify". If he wins, he will represent Australia at Eurovision 2022, which will be held in Turin, Italy.

The Australian singer of Greek-Cypriot origin, promises to "electrify" the Eurovision fans in the SBS competition: "Eurovision - Australia Decides 2022".

One of his grandfathers is from Paphos, Cyprus, while he also has roots from the island of Lemnos in Greece. One of his dreams is to travel there and get to know the places where his family has its roots. To find out where it all started.
Young Andrew Lambrou
Young Andrew Lambrou
Andrew's journey with music began at a very young age. He was only 5 years old when his mother enrolled him in music school. His parents realized from an early age that he had a musical inclination and supported his talent in every way.

In his first steps, they were the ones who helped him even with the videos he uploaded on while his father always said that music "flows in the blood" of the family.

"I owe everything to my mum and dad. I love them very much," says the 23-year-old talented musician.
Andrew Lambrou's close family
Andrew Lambrou's close family Source: SBS, Supplied
He remembers the family gatherings where his uncle played the bouzouki and everyone listened to Greek music. Although he did not understand the lyrics, songs like "Soma mou" by Notis Sfakianakis spoke in his heart, because they contain passion, he explains.

Now Andrew Lambrou has already charted his own successful career in the music industry and has many followers on social media. This year he participates with the song "Electrify" in the competition "

"The song wants to convey this "magical" moment that you feel when you meet someone and "electrifies" you, makes you believe that you have acquired super powers ", says the creator.
Electrify also includes a Spanish verse. We asked him why he did not include any Greek lyrics, considering his background. He laughed and told us that he was often asked this question. He believes that Spanish is very much in line with the spirit of this song and that he intends to make a Greek version soon. In fact, he is currently taking Greek lessons with a teacher from Thessaloniki to improve his level.

One of his craziest dreams he told us is to travel the world, doing concerts and singing in the native language of every place. The most immediate dream is of course to win the "Eurovision - Australia Decides 2022" competition on Saturday 26 February. To receive the coveted ticket among the 11 candidates and represent Australia in Eurovision 2022, which will be held this year in Turin, Italy.

We also asked him how he would celebrate if he was the "chosen one" of the Australians. He told us that at first he would cry for sure, he would not believe it. Because he grew up with his whole family every year watching Eurovision together.

"So I will celebrate it with the whole family. With Greek barbecue, grandma's spanakopita and galaktoboureko, my favorite dessert", he reveals.
Andrew Lambrou's extented Greek -Cypriot family
Andrew Lambrou's extented Greek -Cypriot family Source: Andrew Lambrou
Andrew Lambrou already receives many messages and wishes for good luck from all over the world, especially Cyprus and Greece.

Wishes that motivate him to strive for the best and make those who believe in him and the "electric" dynamics of his music proud.

Listen to the full interview with Andrew Lambrou by clicking play on the podcast in the center of the top photo. The interview is in English.
