Wife-beater NRIs may lose their passports

A high-level panel has recommended cancelation of passports of 'wife-beater' NRIs.

India Passport

23 Indian passports go missing from Pakistan High Commission Source: GettyImages/jayk7

 Hindustan Times reported that If government of India accepts the recommendations by this panel, Non-resident Indians who harass their wives or desert them could face impoundment or cancellation of their passports.

Desertion by NRI husbands has been an issue in India for quite long. The ministry of external affairs had constituted a high-level panel earlier this year to look into the issue and suggest solutions.
The panel has proposed many changes including cancellation of passport of those who desert their wives. Another recommendation is to include cases of domestic violence in the scope of extradition treaties with other countries.

According to Hindustan Times, some key recommendations of the Goel Committee are:

-          Create a provision to impound/cancel passport of NRI husbands.

-          Make registration of NRI marriage mandatory.

-          Include details such as social security number, workplace and home address of the NRI spouse in the marriage registration certificate.

-          Bring domestic violence under the ambit of extradition treaties.

-          Increase financial aid provided by Indian mission to abandoned wives from $3000 to $6000.

-          Create a national mechanism involving MEA, MHA and NCW to deal with desertion by NRI husbands.

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2 min read
Published 27 September 2017 12:14pm
By Vivek Asri

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