Twb yuav tsis siv 3G network lawm tab sis ntau txheeb tus neeg siv xov tooj yeej tsis tau npaj li.

Tim 31 lub 8 hli ntuj 2024 no ces yuav tsis siv nws cov 3G network lawm, ua ke no los Optus kuj yuav tsis siv tej network no lub 9 hli ntuj thiab.

Senior man's hands holding a smart phone

Telstra and Optus have a service for customers to check the status of their device by texting "3" to the number 3498. Source: Getty / Bloom Productions

Tej tuam txhab muag xov tooj thiab internet rau tej neeg siv raug tsub nias kom yuav tsum tau ua tib zoo xyuas kom txhua tus neeg Australia muaj peev xwm siv tau tus xov tooj thov kev pab cuam rau lub caij muaj tej xwm txheej kub ntxhov (Triple Zero - 000) thaum uas muab cov 3G network kaw tsis siv rau lub hli tom ntej no lawm.

Telstra ces yuav tsis siv nws cov network qub no rau hnub tim 31 lub 8 hli ntuj, uas tau rub sij hawm kom ntev tuaj ntxiv ntawm lub 6 hli ntuj thaum xub uas yuav tsis siv tej network no, ua ke no los Optus kuj yuav tsis siv tej network no txij lub 9 hli ntuj lawm thiab.

TPG/Voddafone ces twb tau tsis siv nkawv cov 3G network txij lub 1 hlis ntuj xyoo 2024 no lawm.
Tab sis raws li tsoom fwv tej xov xwm tshiab uas teev txog tej lagluam no tau qhia ces yeej tseem muaj tej neeg tej xov tooj ntawm tes txog li 102,000 lub thoob haiv neeg no yeej tsis muaj peev xwm siv tau cov 4G network.

Tej xov tooj no ces yog cov xov tooj uas yuav txawv teb chaws los yog yuav tej qub uas lwm tus twb siv ib zaug dhau los lawm — uas siv 4G data kom muaj peev xwm hu tau thiab xa tau xo (text message), tab sis tso cov triple zero calls rau 3G vim tsis muaj tej technology hu ua Voice over LTE siv.

Ces tej zaum thiaj ua rau tej neeg siv tej xov tooj tsis paub txog tias lawv tej xov tooj siv tsis tau lawm thaum uas tsis siv cov 3G network lawm thiab thaum uas lawv xav hu rau tus xov tooj emergency ntawd xwb.
Lauren’s mobile phone was weaponised. She’s not alone image

Lauren’s mobile phone was weaponised. She’s not alone

SBS News

Thiab kuj tau muaj tej neeg siv tej xov tooj li no tsawg ntawm 740,000 tus rau lub 3 hlis ntuj (2024) lawm tom qab uas tsoom fwv tau tsim pawg neeg industry working group.

Ces Michelle Rowland uas yog tus nom tswj dej num Communications thiaj tau hais tias thiaj xav txhawb nqa kom tej tuam txhab muag xov tooj thiab internet rau tej neeg siv yuav tau kub siab sib txuas lus nrog rau tej customers uas yuav ntsib tej teeb meem no, thiab yuav tsum tau kub siab nrog xyuas tej hauj lwm no kom ntau tshaj qub ntxiv.

Raws li Ms Rowland tau hais ib co ncauj lug rau hnub zwj Teeb (Thursday) sawv ntxov ces nws hais tias "Tsoom fev yeej xav kom kub siab nrog xyuas tej hauj lwm no thiab ua tej hauj lwm no txuas ntxiv. Thiab tsim nyog tag nrho txhua tus neeg Australia yuav tsum muaj kev ntseeg siab rau cov kev tau siv tus xov tooj triple-zero (000). Kuv thiaj xav txhawb nqa kom sawv daws nrog txheeb lawv tej xov tooj, nrog lawv tej phooj ywg, lawv tsev neeg thiab tej neeg lawv hlub tshua tham txog cov kev hloov ntawm cov 3G network mus siv dua lwm cov network tshiab, thiab txheeb peb tej xov xwm uas qhia kom lawv hu mus nrog lawv tej tuam txhab muag xov tooj tham kom tau xov xwm ntxaws ntxiv tias zoo li cas lawm.''
Telstra thiab Optus yeej muaj ib co services rau lawv tej customers mus txheeb seb lawv tej xov tooj zoo li cas, yog tias ib tug twg ntau tus zauv (lej) '3' xa mus rau tus lej 3498.

Tsis tas li ntawd los tej neeg kuj muaj peev xwm mloog tau ib co lus kaw rau hauv ib tsab xo uas hu non-emergengy outgoing call thiab yog tias lawv xav upgrade lawv tej xov tooj.

Optus cov kev teeb txheeb uas tau coj los cej luam qhia limtiam dhau los yeej tau tev ntau cov zos thiab ntau cheeb tsam uas muaj tej xov tooj ntau tshaj plaws uas tej zaum yuav siv tsis tau lawm, uas yeej muaj tej neeg Suav, Cantonese, Arabic, Cob tsib thiab Korean.

Tsis tas li ntawd los qee thaj chaw ces tej zaum kuj yuav muaj pej kum haiv tej tub kawm coob heev uas tuaj kawm qib siab thiab.
Telcos race to reach mobile phone users ahead of 3G shutdown image

Telcos race to reach mobile phone users ahead of 3G shutdown

SBS News

Tej zos hauv tej nroog uas muaj tej xov tooj ntau tshaj plaws uas tej zaum yuav siv tsis tau ntawm Optus network ces yog nroog Melbourne CBD, Sydney Macquarie Park, Marsfield and Millers Point.

Hos taj chaw nyob qaum teb ces yog Port Hedland, Western Australia, Cairns thiab Sarina ntawm Queensland thiab Griffith nrog rau Orange ntawm NSW.

Ces Optus thiaj tau siv tej xov xwm tau los ntawm cov kev teeb txheeb no coj los qhia rau tej neeg ntawm tej chaw hais ntawd ntawm social media los yog local media.

Thiab ob lub tuam txhab loj (Telstra/Optus) no los yeej tau qhia tias nkawv yeej tau kho kom nkawv cov 4G thiab 5G network muaj peev xwm siv tau zoo ua ntej yuav tso tseg tsis siv cov 3G ntxiv lawm.

Mloog tau hnub zwj Teeb (Thursday) 6 pm, hnub zwj Hnub (Sunday) 11 am, los yog koom tau ntxiv ntawm , , thiab

Published 18 July 2024 2:52pm
Presented by Vixay Vue
Source: AAP

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