Four cars stolen from a student house in one night

The four cars allegedly stolen from the Seven Hills address.

Credit: Amit Kumar

Thieves are believed to have broken into the house through a window, taken car keys and stolen four vehicles from the house of international students in Seven Hills in Sydney.

Amit Kumar, who came to Australia on a student visa last year, is living at the Best Street address.

Last night, he says while he and his housemates were asleep at around midnight, thieves broke into the house through a window, stole the keys of four cars and drove off.

Mr Kumar told SBS Punjabi, “We noticed the theft of our cars in the morning at about 5.30am when we got ready (for work)."

He says two sets of keys were on a kitchen table while the other two were hanging on a nearby wall.

Mr Kumar claims the thieves also stole a PlayStation console from the common room of the house.

“We are very new in this country and (are now) feeling scared (at) the thought that someone was wandering (around) in our house while we were fast asleep, (and) who may have come with a weapon," he says.

Mr Kumar says he and his friends called the local police station and police officers attended the scene and gave them a reference number.

SBS Punjabi has sought further details and comment from Blacktown Police but has so far received no response.

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