Health care during pregnancy


Womb Source: Getty Images

Dr Gagandeep Kaur gives useful information regarding care before, during and after pregnancy.

Starting a family is a big step in any ones life. Welcoming another human being in the house can be full of joy, giggle and blessings but can also be very tiring and stressful for certain families. During pregnancy, a woman's body goes through a number of changes and puts a lot of strain on the body. Growing a baby from a delicate embryo is a miracle, one that is not removed from many risks. While there are some things that are inevitable and cannot be avoided, there are many things that we can do to make sure that the journey through pregnancy is as smooth and successful as possible.
Dr Gagandeep Kaur
Source: Supplied
Dr Gagandeep Kaur is a gynecologist and a pediatrician with Monash Health services in Melbourne. She tells us about the care that women can take even before they decide to start a family and the right balance of diet and care needed during all three trimesters. Dr Kaur also talks about giving care to the mothers post pregnancy when usually the focus shifts towards the baby. She reminds us that it is important to look after the mother to avoid her falling into post natal depression or anxiety. Listen to the full interview here. 
