Jagtar Singh 'Jaggi' Johal: A British Sikh in Punjab Police's custody

Jaggi Johal Jaspal Singh Manjhpur

Jaggi Johal (L) and his lawyer Jaspal Singh Manjhpur (R) Source: Supplied

UK-based NRI Jagtar Singh Johal, an alleged conspirator in targeted killings in Punjab, was arrested by Police on 4th November in Jalandhar.

Scottish Sikh activist Jagtar Singh Johal will be in court today to face charges of allegedly being involved in the conspiracy to kill minority leaders in Punjab.

Mr Johal’s lawyer, Jaspal Singh Manjpur, has accused police of torturing his client.

“On 14th Nov Jaggi told me that he was inhumanely tortured by police on 5th, 6th and 7th November," said Mr Manjhpur in an interview with SBS Punjabi

“Police gave him electric shocks and his legs were stretched.

“Initially, he was even denied of his basic right to have a legal representation.

“So far police is extending remands based on ‘baseless allegations’ and no charge-sheet has been filed yet.  

“There are so many cases against him and we don’t know yet the cases or charges he will be related to. The process is too slow and painful.

Meanwhile, Punjab police has maintained its position saying a due process of law was followed at every stage.

Police have sufficient evidence to prove the charges against Johal in targeted killings, said a Police spokesperson in a media statement.
Jaggi Johal
Jaggi Johal was arrested on 4 November in Punjab just a few weeks after getting married in India. Source: Supplied
A British MP has raised concerns in the House of Commons, about the circumstances of Johal’s arrest and imprisonment in India. In his speech, he said that his constituent Jagtar Singh Johal was arrested in Punjab. He raised questions as to why Jagtar has not received any support till now despite his appearance in court twice since his arrest.
“The lack of information being given to Jagtar’s family by the police and judicial authorities in Delhi following his arrest is alarming. I have raised this as a matter of urgency with the British High Commission of India and the Foreign Office,” tweeted MP Hughes.
The Sikh Federation (UK) has started campaign #Freejagginow to fight for his release.

The campaigners believe that Jaggi was simply targeted for his work in highlighting the Sikh genocide in 1984 in India.
