Sikh Youth Australia celebrating 20th anniversary of service to community

Sikh Youth Australia

celebrating 20th anniversary of serving the community Source: SYA

A youth's perspective of Sikh Youth Australia's services to the community performed in last twenty years.

Sikh Youth Australia was formed exactly 20 years ago by a small number of volunteers and only handful of participants attended its first ever family summer camp. But the hard work done during these twenty years has paid off fully well and this year's annual summer camp is expecting app 400 participants not only from Australia but from other nations as well.

SYA has successfully introduced some projects that have grown into independently running bodies e.g. CultureCare, Young Sikh Professionals Network (YSPN) and Sikh2Give to name few.

Tanveer Singh Mokha a volunteer with SYA provides us details of the oncoming camp, daily routine, workshops, facilitators and other activities that help overall development of youth.
