Yoga has physical as well as spiritual benefits

Rajendra Yenkannamoole leading a Yoga session at the first International Day of Yoga in Melbourne last year

Rajendra Yenkannamoole leading a Yoga session at the first International Day of Yoga in Melbourne last year Source: Vasudeva Kriya Yoga

After a UN declaration to mark June 21 as International Day of Yoga, various yoga practitioners are getting ready for the second IDY in cities around the world...

Speaking to SBS Punjabi at our Melbourne studios, Mr Rajendra Yenkannamoole tells us how Yoga is a way of life, and if practiced correctly, it shapes the physical, mental and spiritual world.
Rajendra, leading a Yoga session at the IDY 2015 in Melbourne
Rajendra, leading a Yoga session at the IDY 2015 in Melbourne Source: Vasudeva Kriya Yoga
He founded of Vasudeva Kriya Yoga in Melbourne nearly a decade ago and was one of the speakers at the Parliament of World religions, espousing the benefits of Yoga. He currently has over 200 students in his classes that run at many centres of Melbourne.
Children as young as 3yrs old demonstrated Yoga at IDY 2015
Children as young as 3yrs old demonstrated Yoga at IDY 2015 Source: Vasudeva Kriya Yoga
In this interview, he told us that teaching Yoga is like a "sewa" which benefits not just his students, but him personally as well. For the last 9 years, he has brought together many different schools of Yoga, and has held all-day events, in an attempt to introduce more and more people to Yoga.
L-R, Hon Inge Peulich (Shadow minister for Multicultural Affairs in Victoria), Hon Telmo Languiller (Speaker of the Victorian Parliament), Rajendra Yenkannamoole, founder of Vasudeva Kriya Yoga
L-R Hon Inge Peulich, Shadow minister for Multicultural Affairs in Victoria, Hon Telmo Languiller, Speaker of the Victorian Parliament, Rajendra Yenkannamoole Source: Vasudeva Kriya Yoga
This year's annual yoga event organised by Vasudeva Kriya Yoga will be held in Melbourne on June 19, to mark the second International Day of Yoga. There will be guest speakers, especially from a medical background, and people from the age of 3 to 80 years are expected to particpate in large numbers

 Hear this interview to hear the details of a free event, open to public.
International Day of Yoga, as celebrated in Melbourne, in 2015
International Day of Yoga, as celebrated in Melbourne, in 2015 Source: Vasudeva Kriya Yoga
