7-year jail and deportation for two Indian men convicted of rape

Parampreet Singh and Amritpal Singh were found guilty of raping a drunk teenager in December 2013 after contacting her on through social media.

Sexual assault

The image is for representation only. Source: Pixabay

Two men guilty of rape in New Zealand have been handed a seven-year jail term and will be deported to India upon completion of their sentence, reports.

Last month, the Christchurch District Court found Parampreet Singh (27) and Amritpal Singh (25) guilty of raping a drunk teenage girl in December 2013 after contacting her through social media.

The crown prosecutor told the court the victim was given vodka to drink and was then taken to a roof and subjected her to a series of sexual assaults.

"She was in a state where she could not defend herself, she was dizzy and vomiting... there was no pity or compassion shown by the defendants," the prosecutor said.

Judge David Saunders said while the men may have brought shame on their family, there was no real remorse shown and he didn't believe remorse had been established.

During their trial, both men denied the charges against them and said the girl had consented.

The lawyer for Amritpal Singh said the girl was there on her own accord and co-operated with the men. He said she was clearly able to communicate what she wanted.

This was the third trial of the pair. The first trial was declared a mistrial and in the second, the verdict was overturned on appeal over the issue of intoxication and the way the issue of consent was dealt with. They were sentenced to over 8-year jail terms after their convictions in the second trial.  

The second retrial took place in September and a jury found Parampreet Singh guilty of two charges of rape. It found him not guilty of a sexual violation charge.  Amritpal Singh was found guilty of rape and sexual violation.

On Thursday, Parampreet was sentenced to seven years and nine months in prison and Amritpal was jailed for seven years and six months. The men who are not related, moved to New Zealand in 2010 from India. 

The judge said their deportation is "inevitable".

Published 19 October 2017 12:52pm
Updated 19 October 2017 3:27pm
By Shamsher Kainth

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