After more than 50 years bravery of a forgotten hero was awarded. Part 3

The Ambassador of RF Alexander Blokhin awards Semyon Grinyov the Medal of Bravery in 2008

The Ambassador of RF Alexander Blokhin awards Semyon Grinyov the Medal of Bravery in 2008 Source: SBS

A powerful story of human bravery and endurance in 2 parts SEMYON GRINYOV, The Forgotten Hero, was presented in the Russian Language program on 16&23 June 2207 in feature series “PEOPLE AND LIFE’. On 29 October 1955 Semyon Grinyov was 23 years old and serving in the Soviet Navy at the Black Sea on a military cruiser Mikhail Kutuzov. That night a powerful explosion ripped through the Battleship "Novorossiysk" anchored nearby. According to official sources 609 men lost their lives in the worst disaster in the history of the Soviet Navy. But some contemporary researchers claim even a higher toll of 829 people dead. Semyon Grinyov with seamen from other military ships in the area took part in rescue operation and will never forget the terror, anguish and helplessness he felt that night. The Soviet government decided to hide the disaster and some details were only uncovered after the collapse of the Soviet Union. Researching the program we have found out that in 1999 Semyon Grinyov (then - Greenberg) has been awarded the Medal of Bravery of Russian Federation, of which he never knew. After SBS program Semyon has decided to apply to the Embassy of the Russian Federation in Canberra for his missing award. Formalities took one year, but finally in September 2008 the Ambassador of the Russian Federation in Australia Alexander Blokhin came to Melbourne to present the Medal of Bravery to the former seaman of the Black Sea Fleet who has waited for it for nearly 53 years

Semyon Grinev (Grinberg) in 1955
Semyon Grinev (Grinberg) in 1955 Source: Supplied
Grinyov CD
Source: SBS
