He liberated Auschwitz

Lev Aronstam in his house in Caulfield in 2010

Lev Aronstam in his house in Caulfield in 2010 Source: SBS

On Sunday ceremonies were held all over the world to mark International Holocaust Remembrance Day .The day of reflection is held each year on January 27th, the day the largest Nazi death camp was liberated in 1945. Six million Jewish people died during the Second World War. We spoke with Melbournian Lev Aronstam shortly before his death. In January 2010 on the anniversary of Auschwitz liberation he still remembered the horrors he encountered in the death camp when he came through the gates with the Soviet Army in 1945. (This program was presented in the series dedicated to 65th anniversary of the Victory in the WW2)

Auschwitz after liberation
A picture taken just after the liberation by the Soviet army in January, 1945 Source: CAF PAP
Auschwitz CD
Source: SBS
A view of Arbeit Macht Frei sign on the entrance gate to the former Auschwitz 1 camp.
A view of Arbeit Macht Frei sign on the entrance gate to the former Auschwitz 1 camp. Source: Getty, NurPhoto
