Musical conversations with maestro Oleg Caetani. Part 1

Oleg Caetani_credit Greg Barrett

Oleg Caetani Source: credit Greg Barrett

Oleg Caetani was appointed a Chief conductor and Artistic director of the Melbourne Symphony orchestra in 2005, and after two seasons he led his orchestra on European tour which performances in major centres including Berlin, Madrid, Milan and Paris (first time in history that an Australian orchestra played in those European capitals). Under his baton in Australia premiered a number of works by Brahms, Enesco, Bartok, Schoenberg, Walton, Ravel and Dmitry Shostakovich. However in 2009 the administration of orchestra shockingly terminated his contract, and after that Oleg Caetani has never been back to Melbourne. Maestro Oleg Caetani has always followed the uncompromising musical principles, not least because of musical education from the father conductor Igor Markevitch and his mentors - the legendary composer and conductor Nadia Boulanger and the master of conductor's technics Ilya Musin. During his time with MSO Oleg Caetani became a great friend of our program, and we had a number of interesting and engaging conversations about music. Unfortunately, our archive kept only two of these recordings. The first took place one day before the premiere in Melbourne of the 13th Symphony by Dmitry Shostakovich Babi Yar on 7th August in 2008.

Oleg Caetani, credit Greg Barrett
Oleg Caetani Source: Greg Barrett
Caetani CD
Source: SBS
