Alisha has lived in Australia for 20 years. Now she can finally apply for citizenship

Alisha is one of around 350,000 New Zealanders who have just become eligible to apply for Australian citizenship.

A woman with glasses and a pink blazer

Alisha Kemp has been living in Australia for the past two decades and can now apply for citizenship. Credit: SBS

Key Points
  • From 1 July, New Zealanders who have lived in Australia for at least four years can apply for Australian citizenship.
  • Without citizenship, New Zealanders can't vote in Australian elections.
  • Many members of the community have welcomed the move.
Alisha Kemp has been living in Australia for the past 20 years but she's never officially been recognised as an Australian.

She came over to Australia with two young children and has since had three more.

Her time here hasn't always been easy but not having citizenship meant she wasn't eligible for government support.
A family getting a Santa portrait taken.
Alisha can now apply for Australia citizenship after living here for more than 20 years, as the government's changed pathway for New Zealanders has come into effect. Source: Supplied
"It affected me hugely in a position where I was homeless for a short while," she said,

"It would have been nice to have that support financially when I was going through that."

But an important legal change means she's now eligible, as are around 350,000 other New Zealanders.
As of Saturday, New Zealanders who have lived in Australia for at least four years can apply directly for Australian citizenship, without first securing permanent residency.

The 1 July rule change - which has been brought into effect by the Albanese government - has been welcomed by the community.

Ms Kemp says she will be applying for Australian citizenship and is gathering her documents.

"It felt very unfair to us, so to be able to have this opportunity now is really great," Ms Kemp said.
She welcomes the opportunity to be eligible to apply for jobs in Australian Federal Police or Australian Defence Force and the fact that her children can apply to study in Australia if they wished.

"It's just a huge weight off my shoulders knowing that if they fall on hard times they're not left in limbo like I was."

What do the citizenship changes mean for New Zealanders?

In 2001, the Howard government introduced special category visas for New Zealanders who arrived in Australia allowing them to live and work here indefinitely, but citizenship was only an option after applying for permanent residency.

Without citizenship, New Zealanders can't vote in Australian elections.

They also can't access HELP Loans (HECS), the NDIS and some Centrelink support.

It's a move that Laurence Cameron, who's lived in Australia for the past decade, believes should have happened sooner.

"It's about time," Mr Cameron said.
"For like a lot of Kiwis, we put it off because of the process involved, having to become a permanent resident first and then a citizen and also the substantial cost involved."

It's a chance at a long-held dream.

He has always wanted to join the armed forces and will apply to join the army reserve as soon as he can, after applying for citizenship first.

"I come from a proud family in New Zealand that has represented New Zealand in both wars. Even though I don't call New Zealand home, I still consider Australia my country and I would like to serve at some capacity, whilst I'm still at an age that I can, physically."

Marie Pewhairangi works closely with the Maori and Pacific Island communities and says the pandemic highlighted just how bad it was for the group.
"They had no financial assistance at all," Ms Pewhairangi said.

"Those that were casually employed, a lot of them moved back to New Zealand. Some moved interstate to move in with each other because they thought it would be easier financially for them all to be paying one rent rather than three or four." 

The changes will give many New Zealanders similar rights to Australians who move to New Zealand - but on different timescales. Australians who move to New Zealand can vote in elections after living there for a year, while New Zealanders in Australia have to wait the four years before citizenship, and the right to vote, for example.

Citizenship also opens the door to the Australian Defence Force and opportunities to work with federal agencies.

4 min read
Published 1 July 2023 4:19pm
By Mahnaz Angury
Source: SBS News

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