Australia mulls sanctions against Myanmar's military leaders after 'appalling' executions

Foreign Minister Penny Wong says sanctions against Myanmar's military regime are under "active consideration".

A woman speaking.

Foreign Minister Penny Wong. Source: AAP / Johannes P. Christo

Key Points
  • Foreign Minister Penny Wong has condemned the execution of four pro-democracy activists in Myanmar.
  • The men were sentenced to death in secret trials earlier this year, accused of helping a civilian resistance movement.
Foreign Minister Penny Wong has condemned the further sanctions may be placed on the country's ruling junta.

The war-torn nation's military announced on Monday it had executed four people, including former MP Phyo Zeya Thaw, an ally of ousted leader Aung San Suu Kyi.

"Australia is appalled by the execution of four pro-democracy activists in Myanmar and strongly condemns the actions of the Myanmar military regime," Senator Wong said.

"Australia opposes the death penalty in all circumstances for all people."

Senator Wong said the government called on the regime to cease violence and release people who had been unjustly detained.

"Australia is clear and consistent in our support of human rights around the world," she said.
"Sanctions against members of Myanmar's military regime are under active consideration.

"We extend sincere condolences to the families and loved ones of those who have lost their lives since the coup."

The men were sentenced to death in secret trials earlier this year, and were accused of helping a civilian resistance movement that has fought the military since the 2021 coup.

In a joint statement, the European Union, Australia, Canada, Japan, and the US, among other nations, labelled the executions as "reprehensible acts of violence that further exemplify the regime's disregard for human rights and the rule of law".

Myanmar's National Unity Government (NUG), a shadow administration outlawed by the ruling junta, also condemned the executions and called for international action against the ruling military.

"Extremely saddened ... condemn the junta's cruelty," Kyaw Zaw, the spokesman of the NUG president’s office, told Reuters in a message. "The global community must punish their cruelty."
Phyo Zeya Thaw, pictured here in 2015, was among the four men who were executed.
Phyo Zeya Thaw, pictured here in 2015, was among the four men who were executed. Source: AAP / Aung Shine Oo/AP
Among those executed were democracy campaigner Kyaw Min Yu, better known as Jimmy, and former lawmaker and hip-hop artist Phyo Zeya Thaw, the Global New Light of Myanmar newspaper said.
Kyaw Min Yu, 53, and Phyo Zeya Thaw, a 41-year-old ally of ousted leader Aung San Suu Kyi, lost their appeals against the sentences in June. The two others executed were Hla Myo Aung and Aung Thura Zaw.

"These executions amount to arbitrary deprivation of lives and are another example of Myanmar’s atrocious human rights record," said Erwin Van Der Borght, regional director of rights group Amnesty International.

"The international community must act immediately as more than 100 people are believed to be on death row after being convicted in similar proceedings."

Thazin Nyunt Aung, the wife of Phyo Zeyar Thaw, said she had not been told of her husband's execution. Other relatives could not be reached for comment.

International condemnation

Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen, chair of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), appealed in a letter in June to junta leader Min Aung Hlaing not to carry out the executions, relaying deep concern among Myanmar's neighbours.

"Not even the previous military regime, which ruled between 1988 and 2011, dared to carry out the death penalty against political prisoners," said Malaysian member of parliament Charles Santiago, chair of the ASEAN Parliamentarians for Human Rights.

Japanese Foreign Minister Yoshimasa Hayashi said the executions, which go against Japan's repeated urging for a peaceful resolution as well as its demands to free detainees, would further isolate Myanmar.

Myanmar has been in chaos since last year's coup, with conflict spreading nationwide after the army crushed mostly peaceful protests in cities.

An activist group, the Assistance Association of Political Prisoners says more than 2,100 people have been killed by security forces since the coup. The junta says that figure is exaggerated.
The true picture of violence has been hard to assess as clashes have spread to more remote areas where ethnic minority insurgent groups are also fighting the military.

The executions have shattered hopes of any peace agreement, said the Arakan Army (AA), a major ethnic militia in Myanmar’s restive Rakhine State.

"This act wiped out ASEAN members' efforts toward peace and reconciliation," the AA said in a statement, adding that the executions would only attract "braver heroes in the future, and contribute to the spring revolution”.

4 min read
Published 25 July 2022 7:28pm
Updated 26 July 2022 12:47pm
Source: AAP, Reuters

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