New foreign influence laws pass parliament

Reforms to national security laws designed to curb improper foreign influence in Australia have passed federal parliament.

Greens Senator Nick McKim

Greens Senator Nick McKim has accused the government of rushing through foreign interference laws. (AAP)

Secret attempts by foreign spies to influence Australia's politicians and media will face harsh new penalties in measures to combat unprecedented meddling in the nation's democracy.

Legislation cleared the Senate on Thursday night with Labor supporting the government's push to pass its package targeting foreign influence before parliament rises for the long winter break.

The measures respond to warnings from intelligence chiefs that foreign countries are trying to access classified information about the Australia's global alliances and military, economic and energy systems.

"This sends a strong message to those who would seek to undermine our way of life that Australia is acutely aware of activities against our national security and will continue to take the steps necessary to thwart their activities," Attorney-General Christian Porter said.

The national security laws are aimed at preventing foreign influence on Australian politicians, media, ethnic groups and civil society organisations.

Espionage, treason and treachery offences will be expanded, while acting with a foreign country to influence Australia's democracy will be criminalised with penalties of up to 20 years' jail.

There will also be a register for people acting on behalf of foreign powers and a parallel register for MPs who take actions on behalf of foreign governments.

The government clinched bipartisan support for the foreign influence bills after accepting scores of changes recommended by a parliamentary committee.

But the Greens railed against the package, arguing it curtails press freedom, the right to protest and the work of non-government organisations.

"This is a sad day for Australia. We've taken giant steps today down a dangerous path for our country," Greens senator Nick McKim told parliament on Thursday.

He warned Australia was moving towards a totalitarian police state.

"You don't protect democracy by smothering it," Senator McKim said.

The reforms were announced last year amid political donation scandals involving people with links to the Chinese government and heightened concerns about foreign powers influencing elections.

The Greens and fellow minor party Centre Alliance failed to amend the bills and send them to another parliamentary inquiry.

The legislation was amended in the House of Representatives to include protections for journalists, charities and academics, but Senator McKim is adamant freedoms will still be limited.

The offences relating to espionage, foreign interference, sabotage and treason will come into effect the day after the governor-general ticks off the draft laws.

The transparency scheme will commence a year after that to allow registrations to be made.

3 min read
Published 28 June 2018 7:56pm
Source: AAP

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