Black Eye on Election 2016: Pat Dodson, scholarships and treaty

WEEK 1 | It’s going to be a long election campaign. So every week, NITV will give you a black eye: the most important announcements, the best pictures and things you might have missed.

Pat Dodson

Pat Dodson in Leichhardt, Cairns on the Labor campaign trail. Source: AAP

Policy of the week

Labor pledged to fund 400 Indigenous teaching scholarships across the country as part of its $4.8 billion education package.

Quote of the week

Sarah Maddison
Sarah Maddison. Source: The Point
“We could actually end up in a situation after this Federal Election where the representation of Indigenous peoples in the Federal Parliament is in fact greater than the statistical proportion of Indigenous peoples in the community.”

- Sarah Maddison, author of ‘Black Politics’, on The Point, talking about the 11 Indigenous candidates seeking election

Video of the week

Labor senator Pat Dodson uses day one of the election campaign to say the notions of treaty and constitutional recognition are compatible.


The National Congress of Australia’s First Peoples, our largest democratically elected representative body, said it was in '' after missing out on Budget funding.

What's been promised so far

Source: Bridget Acreman

What we’re waiting to hear about

  • Will any political party commit to more funding for National Congress?
  • Indigenous suicide prevention commitments in the wake of this month’s conference in Alice Springs
  • Whether the Coalition has reversed its opposition to justice targets

You know its election time when ...

From the Minister for Indigenous Affairs Nigel Scullion's Facebook page, a picture of him hitting the campaign trail at the Yuendumu Child and Family Centre with midwife Maisie Waine.
Nigel Scullion
Nigel Scullion at the Yuendumu Child and Family Centre. Source: Facebook

On the agenda

Friday May 13, 2016, 7pm, Windsor RSL: Malcolm Turnbull and Bill Shorten go head-to-head in the first 'People's Forum', a fancy name for a 'Leader's Debate.'



2 min read
Published 13 May 2016 1:21pm
Updated 13 May 2016 4:05pm
By Myles Morgan
Source: NITV News

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