Community walks 200 kilometres in ancestors' shoes

The Darumbul community has re-enacted an eight-day trek from Taroom to Woorabinda in a show of respect to their ancestors during NAIDOC Week.

The Darumbul community celebrates NAIDOC Week.

Aunty Ivy Booth was seven when she was forced to walk from Taroom to Woorabinda. Ninety years on, the next generation has re-enacted the walk to pay respect. Source: Supplied

Eighty-nine years ago, hundreds of Aboriginal families were forced out of their homes to make way for a dam that was never built.

Escorted by Queensland Police and Welfare Board officials, most were forced to walk - many barefooted - more than 200 kilometres from Taroom to a new settlement at Woorabinda.

Many died on a trek that took eight days and many hearts were broken. More than 50 tribes, speaking different languages and with different cultures were crowded together in harsh conditions in the new settlement.

Their names are today inscribed on a large wall at Woorabinda.

In remembrance of their suffering and endurance, the Darumbul community has re-enacted the trek to coincide with NAIDOC week, describing it as “yesterday‘s dreaming - today’s healing, to walk, remember and pay our deepest respect”.
The Darumbul community walks 200km from Taroom to Woorabinda.
The 200km walk took eight days. Source: Supplied
Some 50 people retraced their forbears’ steps between the two settlements this year and they arrived at Woorabinda at the weekend, where they were met by Aunty Ivy Booth, 97, who made the original trek at the age of seven.
It’s hard to describe retracing steps and reliving history and meeting the last survivor.
Annette Dudley, a community worker who joined the walkers - who ranged in age between four and 70 - as they entered Woorabinda, said: “It was really emotional when we were met by Aunty Ivy at the crossroads.

“It’s hard to describe retracing steps and reliving history and meeting the last survivor. We walked to the cemetery and had a minute's silence in a healing circle before the Corroboree.”

The event was organised by one of Ms Dudley’s colleagues, youth worker Leslie Purcell.

“We asked ancestors of the original walkers to be part of it to help connect our youth with what happened back then. You know it was winter when they walked, many barefoot. Today their ancestors are all over the country.”
The Darumbul community forms a circle of thanks during NAIDOC Week.
At the conclusion of the walk, the community forms a circle of thanks. Source: Supplied

2 min read
Published 8 July 2016 10:55am
By NITV Staff Writer
Source: NITV News

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