NFL team finally changes racist name after causing decades of offence

The NFL club formerly known as the "Redskins" will take the field for the commencement of the 2020 season re-branded at The Washington Football Team.

THe new Washington Football Team branding

The NFL franchise changed its branding after decades of lobbying on grounds that it was offensive to North American First Nations peoples. Source: Twitter

The Washington NFL franchise has temporarily rebranded itself as the Washington Football Team, after the completion of an internal review that began in early July after decades of lobbying to change the team's former name.

The rebrand follows the franchise's decision, in light of the mass US social uprisings following the death of George Floyd, to retire the use of its logo and former moniker after 87 seasons. 

Due to its derogatory reference to First Nations peoples in North America, the franchise had faced controversy over its branding for the past five decades but previously refused to make the change.

Team owner Dan Snyder had repeatedly declared he would not allow the name change to happen, a stand supported as recently as July 6 by US president Donald Trump. 

The Washington Football Team will now continue the process of retiring its former racist branding and hopes to be entirely rid of it on physical and digital spaces in the next 50 days, reports ESPN.

The offensive logo on the helmet will be replaced by each player's number in gold, but the Football Team will not have any change to its burgundy and gold playing strip. 

The temporary renaming is part of a 12-18 month process to rebrand the franchise said the Washington Football Team's new executive vice president, Terry Bateman.

"If you want to do it right, you have to take a deep breath, take a step back and go through the process," said Mr Bateman.

"We want to do it right, we want something thoughtful and inclusive and smart and bring a lot of points of views into this and come out the other side with something everyone is proud of and can rally behind."

2 min read
Published 24 July 2020 2:25pm
Source: NITV News

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