NT Traditional Owners tell Juukan Gorge inquiry of sacred site fears

Yanyuwa, Garrwa and Gudanji Traditional Owners have travelled 1000km to raise their fears that sacred sites are slowly being erased by Glencore's McArthur River Mine.

Traditional Owners from Borroloola in the NT testify at the Juukan Gorge inquiry

Northern Territory Traditional Owners Josie Davey, Jack Green and Casey Davey travelled 1000km to Darwin to testify to the federal parliamentary inquiry. Source: Supplied

Northern Territory Traditional Owners say they feel like "sardines in a tin" with sacred sites near Borroloola slowly being "erased" by mining operations.

A group of elders and their families travelled 1000km from the Gulf of Carpentaria to Darwin to send a clear message to the federal parliamentary inquiry investigating the destruction of ancient rock shelters in Juukan Gorge in WA, and other sites around Australia.

They have been fighting to protect sacred sites and country from the impacts of Glencore's lead and zinc McArthur River mine for decades.

"We want them to stop what they are doing, we want our sacred sites protected and we want them to clean it up," Gudanji Traditional Owner Casey Davey told today's hearing.

"Don't treat our Country like this."
Gudanji traditional owner Casey Davey at the Juukan Gorge hearing
Gudanji traditional owner Casey Davey told the Juukan Gorge federal parliamentary inquiry he wants Glencore to "stop what they are doing". Source: Supplied

'I can't go back there'

Members of the federal parliamentary inquiry visited Borroloola last month, and Senator Pat Dodson told the hearing the mining company had indicated it was prepared to enter into an agreement with Traditional Owners going forward.

But Garrwa elder Jack Green said there had been nothing discussed since.

"No one came after you mob were there," he said.

After the hearing, Glencore issued a statement saying it had engaged with the Northern Land Council (NLC) to negotiate an Indigenous Land Use Agreement through a "fully inclusive process" with Traditional Owners.

"Glencore will engage with the NLC to hold a community meeting in Borroloola to provide Traditional Owners with an update on ILUA process." it read.

Gudanji Traditional Owner Josie Davey said locals had not been able to visit sites within the mining lease.

"I'm speak because I'm worried now that I can't go back there," she told the hearing.

"They have got these other TOs (Traditional Owners), we are not being recognised. I would like to be recognised by this McArthur River Mine.

"They don't talk to us, they don't ever come and let us know what they are doing. We feel like we are left behind, me and my father."
NT traditional owner with their children at the Juukan Gorge inquiry
Yanyuwa woman Joy Priest told the Juukan Gorge inquiry the community had been fighting the mine for 40 years, and the children will now take up the fight. Source: Supplied

Children will take up the fight

Yanyuwa woman Joy Priest said her father had officially raised concerns about the mine in November 1978.

"Forty years later that mining company has still got us like sardines in a tin and they have still got all these interests protected but we are left with all our sacred sites unprotected," Ms Priest said.

"We have been fighting for four decades and now we have brought our children here to continue the fight."

Mr Green told the inquiry about two instances about a decade ago when the mining company called police on locals who wanted to protest to be able to return to Country.

"When we first went out there we did a protest to get back to visit (the) sites, we got pulled up by the mining company and they called the police in." Mr Green said.

He said he worried he would be shot at if he tried to go past the gates.

"They should recognise this is our Country. We have got songs for the country, we have got names for the Country."
Jack Green is a Garawa man. He's been spearheading the fight against the McArthur River Mine for decades.
Jack Green has told a federal parliamentary inquiry that their loss of significant sacred cultural heritage has been "a slow creep". Source: NITV News

Losses are happening "very slowly"

In a statement, he added that sacred sites within Glencore’s McArthur River Mine lease near Borroloola were being slowly erased.

"Our sacred sites are not being blown up, the damage is happening very slowly," he said.

"It’s a slow creep with the waste rock dump getting closer and closer to the sacred sites each day.

"The river is already being slowly poisoned, and it will take 1000 years to clean up properly.  But we know that won’t happen, the company will be gone.”

Mr Green called for stronger laws to protect sacred sites.

"It has to do this now before there is more damage and more hurt across Australia," he said.

Glencore's statement following the hearing said the mining company had listened carefully to the testimony of the elders, and acknowledged that historical actions remained a source of sadness.

"We want to work with Traditional Owners to provide access to and continue to improve management and protection of cultural heritage and sacred sites on our mining lease." it read.
The McArthur River Mine
The McArthur River Mine lease sits on Gundanji Country. Source: NITV News

4 min read
Published 18 June 2021 4:33pm
Updated 18 June 2021 8:30pm
By Karen Michelmore
Source: NITV News

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