'Reject them': senator calls for vigilance as far-right extremists recruit in NT

The Proud Boys are an all-male organisation that calls for a return to the "spirit of western chauvinism", and has strong ties to white supremacists.

Senator Malarndirri McCarthy

Senator Malarndirri McCarthy has called on Australians to "reject hate", after it was discovered extremist group Proud Boys are recruiting in the NT. Source: AAP Image/Mick Tsikas

NT Senator Malarndirri McCarthy has urged Territorians to reject flyers currently circulating in Palmerston, which call for locals to join a burgeoning chapter of international extremist organisation Proud Boys.

Replete with poor grammar, the flyer explains several of the group's tenets, including "venerating the housewife", and "anti-race guilt". 

Senator McCarthy said she had reported the flyers to the authorities. 

"I was very concerned the minute I received a copy of a flyer that had been put in letterboxes around the Palmerston city just near Darwin yesterday," the senator told NITV News. 

“I immediately contacted the Northern Territory police commissioner, and also the Northern Territory minister to alert them..."

The group, which originated in the US, has been designated a terrorist organisation in neighbouring Canada for their acts of political violence, including involvement in the January 6 Capitol riots in Washington DC.
proud boys mcCarthy
A copy of the letter circulating in Palmerston, which calls on locals to join a new chapter of the extremist organisation. Source: Supplied
The all-male organisation supports a "blatant and unapologetic promotion of western civilization" and has virulent misogynistic elements. Though they purport to reject racism, the group's membership has a noted overlap with white supremacist organisations. 

McCarthy said she was very troubled by the appearance of the flyers in the Top End. 

“I am deeply concerned that this group is seeking to set up a chapter here in the Northern Territory, and I'm urging Territorians who receive those flyers to reject them outright.”

It comes as far-right groups rise to increasing prominence domestically and abroad. Recent reporting has suggested such groups have successfully co-opted widespread anti-vaccination sentiment to swell their ranks. 

Pictures of a Neo-nazi group congregating and defiling Gariwerd (The Grampians) made headlines earlier this year, prompting enough concern for the Victorian state parliament to ban the display of Nazi symbols.
Senator McCarthy said she fears the spread of the group's influence in Australia. 

“We've heard the concerns in the United States... and now we've seen what's going on across Australia," she told NITV News. 

"We have to be incredibly mindful and very realistic, that they can influence, and are influencing, those people who perhaps are not aware of the real truth behind what this group is all about.”

The federal Labor party have requested for the Home Affairs minister Peter Dutton to investigate the letterboxing in the Northern Territory.

"So what I would be urging (the minister's) absolute vigilance, clearly there is something not right here, and I just call on fellow Australians to reject hate and division

3 min read
Published 22 September 2021 4:59pm
Source: NITV News

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