The anti-Oscars: celebrate People of Colour in film with NITV

#OscarsSoWhite that you feel like boycotting? We’ve got the perfect alternative – a collection of free, online films from all over the world, celebrating Indigenous peoples and People of Colour in cinema.

Boy main

Source: New Zealand Film Commission

Much has been written about the nominees' lack of diversity at the Oscars this year, and with good reason.

The issue of diversity and representation on 'Hollywood's night of nights' has been around for decades and it seems it hasn't improved. So while  critique an industry seen as out of touch and blind to business opportunities at best, and both racist and completely resistant to change at worst - you can support diverse and realistic filmmaking ... by watching them!

Switch OFF the Oscars and switch ON a solid movie from a part of the world other than Hollywood.

Join us in showing our support for diverse film-making that showcases the incredible culture and talent of Indigenous peoples and People of Colour from all over the world.

We've compiled a collection of almost 30 films we think you'll love – from Indigenous Australia, Aotearoa, Samoa, South Africa, the US, Canada and beyond.
Here are just 10 of the highlights from . Watch them all on  now.

Tsoti (2005)

In Johannesburg, a teenage small-time criminal is hardened by a tough life. His life changes forever when, after hijacking a car, he finds a baby in the backseat and decides to take it home. A story of redemption in a violent world, Tsoti won the Academy Award for Best Foreign Language film in 2006.
Source: Supplied

Hoop Dreams (1994)

An influential documentary that follows the lives of two young men from inner-city Chicago, as they struggle to become college basketball players and carve out professional careers. The film won a host of awards from the likes of MTV, the Director's Guild of America, the Peabodys and Prix Italia for its honest and touching look at the dreams of two emerging athletes.
Hoop Dreams
Source: Supplied

Blackfellas (1993)

Blackfellas is an AFI and ACCTA Award-winning Australian film based on Archie Weller’s 1991 novel,  Day of the Dog. Starring John Moore and David Ngoombujarra as childhood friends, the film deals with themes of family and the complexities of friendship and brotherhood when two people take divergent paths.
Source: Supplied

Rhymes For Young Ghouls (2013)

At 15, Aila is the weed princess of Red Crow Mi'kmaq reservation, Canada. Together with her uncle Burner, she sells enough marijuana to pay a "truancy tax" to the agent who runs the local school. But when all Aila's money is stolen and her father returns from jail, her world is destroyed. Her only options are to run or fight... and Mi'kmaq don't run.
Rhymes for young ghouls
Source: SBS Movies

Che: Part 1 – The Argentine (2008)

Together with Che: Part 2 – The Guerilla, this film (starring Benicio Del Toro) covers the life of Che Guevara and his fellow band Cuban exiles, led by Fidel Castro, as they reach the Cuban shore from Mexico in 1956. Within the space of two years, the group had not only mobilised popular support and built an army; they had toppled the pro-US regime of dictator, Batista.
Che part 1
Source: Supplied

Boy (2010)

Taika Waititi directs, writes and stars in this endearing, emotional and side-splittingly funny film from Aotearoa. In 2010, the film dominated at international film festivals across the world and was nominated for the Sundance Film Festival Grand Jury prize.
Source: Supplied

Leave To Remain (2013)

Omar is an Afghan teenager whose refugee status in the UK is compromised when another boy from back home threatens to change everything. Based on real-life stories from asylum seekers and featuring a mixture of untrained actors and emerging talent, it's a film that depicts the refugee system as a cruel game of chance.
Leave To Remain
Source: Supplied

The Orator (2011)

Saili is a villager and taro farmer in Samoa, living a peaceful life with his unconventional yet beautiful family. But he faces threats to his plantation, the unwanted attention of young men from the village towards his daughter, as well as being denied his father's chiefly title due to his status as a Little Person. Now, he’ll speak up to defend everything that he loves.
Source: Supplied

Undertow (2009)

Set in a Peruvian fishing town, Miguel is torn between his wife and the morals of his community, and the love he has for Santiago, another local man. When Santiago drowns, his ghost asks Miguel to find his body and bury it, forcing him to confront his past and his true self.
Source: Supplied

Walkabout (1971)

A privileged girl from Sydney and her young brother are stranded in the desert, and after barely surviving, are rescued by a young Indigenous boy (played by iconic Yolngu actor David Gulpilil) who shows them how to survive, leading to tragedy.
Source: Supplied

4 min read
Published 23 February 2016 3:05pm
Updated 25 February 2016 3:48pm
By Jerico Mandybur

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