WA police taser assault victim Kevin Spratt dies

Spratt was tasered 13 times by WA Police in 2008, on Wednesday police confirmed he has passed away at his Perth home.

kevin spratt

Kevin Spratt made international headlines after WA Police tasered him multiple times for reusing to be stripped searched. Source: NITV News

** The Spratt family has given NITV Permission to use his name and image**

An Indigenous man who made international headlines after he was repeatedly tasered by two West Australian policemen eleven years ago has died in non-suspicious circumstances.

Kevin John Spratt was tasered 13 times at the East Perth watch house in August 2008 after he refused a strip search.CCTV footage showed senior constables tasering Mr Spratt nine times in just over a minute.

Mr Spratt sustained serious injuries from the incident including a collapsed lung and broken ribs.

In 2014,  two police officers had their prison sentences suspended after being guilty of unlawful assault. At the time of their trial, the magistrate found said their actions were not excused or authorised by law. 

Mr Spratt did not receive compensation for his ordeal. 

WA Police confirmed the 50-year-old was found dead at a home in the southern-Perth suburb of Orelia on Tuesday.

A report will be prepared for the coroner.

1 min read
Published 4 September 2019 7:03pm
Source: AAP

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