Survey reveals broad support for Indigenous Voice

Fresh data reveals that a majority of voters are ready to back an Indigenous voice to Parliament.

Uluru Statement of the Heart

This beautiful generous and wise document is a 'constitutional moment' which we should not let pass #UluruStatement. (Twitter / @Harrietmantell) Source: Twitter / @Harrietmantell

Despite the Former Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull's suggestion that an Indigenous voice to Parliament would not gain the support of the Australian public, fresh data has revealed a majority of voters would say yes in a referendum.

A survey conducted by the ABC between April 10 and April 28, had 368,097 respondents, with 64 per cent voting yes a voice, while 22 per cent said and 13 per stood neutral.

The debate on how Australia’s First People’s should be recognised in the Constitution has gone on for decades with no concrete change.

Last week, Opposition leader Bill Shorten vowed to hold a referendum in his first term if elected to the Prime Ministership at the May 18 election.

Despite criticism from the outgoing Indigenous Affairs Minister, Nigel Scullion, Mr Shorten is standing by his plan to hold a referendum which he described as “long overdue”, 

Mr Scullion told AAP that taking a referendum to the Australian people without a clear model of what it would establish was the “height of stupidity,” despite Mr Shorten saying it wouldn’t go ahead unless it was a "fully formed proposition".

The new data also showed there is more support for an Indigenous Voice to Parliament than there was in the same-sex marriage plebescite in 2017, which garnered support of 61 per cent of the electorate.

2 min read
Published 3 May 2019 11:09pm
By Douglas Smith
Source: NITV News

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