Trevor Duroux: A tribute to much loved Tenterfield family man and one-punch victim

Trevor Duroux was punched in the back of the head outside the Coolangatta Hotel in December 2015. He was taken to hospital where he remained in a coma for ten days. He eventually succumbed to his injuries. He was 40 years-old. His sister and former partner share their grief and anger over his untimely death with NITV.

Trevor Duroux

Tribute to Trevor Duroux: From top left clockwise, former partner, Joanne Campbell, Trevor Duroux and with his sister, Lavinia Duroux. Source: Supplied

“Although we have lots of beautiful memories of Trev, its not the same, there’s an empty space that no one could fill, and my heart aches for my brother I miss him more each day,” writes Lavinia Duroux, sister of Tenterfield man Trevor Duroux, who sadly passed away last month after a one-punch attack on the Gold Coast.

“I'm angry, frustrated, and broken-hearted that someone that was treasured, adored and loved by so many could just be torn out of our lives so easily, and I say torn because that’s what it feels like - a page being pulled out of a book and no longer exists.”

Former partner Joanne Campbell says Trevor’s passing has left her "without a heart" as it was taken away with him.
Joanne Campbell
Joanne Campbell, Trevor's former partner. Source: Supplied
“Everything in my life has been turned upside down a thousand times over. What I knew as happiness, I will never have again. Just to hold him and kiss him, I will never be able to do again,” she said.

“He will never get to see his grandchildren grow. He will never get to walk his daughters down the aisle to be married, he will never get to celebrate birthdays of his children and family.” she said.

Reading through written reflections from both Lavinia and Joanne, it is easy to picture an image of a loving man who had such a positive effect on all those around him.

"He made friends wherever he went, always saying hello to everyone he passed on the street, he was just that type of person. Always helping people who needed it the best way he could and that's what I loved so much about him. He was always making sure everyone was OK and and making everyone's lives blessed to have known him,” Joanne said.
Lavinia and Trevor Duroux
Lavinia Duroux with the brother that "blessed" her life. Source: Supplied
Lavinia, affectionately known as ‘Beany’, says her little brother was just like a big kid, always up for an adventure.

“Trevor was one of those people that would never get old in fact he got younger as he aged, young at heart we would always say. Never mind the numbers, he was full of life and wanting to try out new and exciting things. He loved his sports, tinkering with cars was a passion and his all time favourite was high jumps into water, jumping off bridges, jetties, cliffs, out of trees,” she said.

“It got to the stage that if there were something hanging over the water he would test it out. Of course me as the big sis, would always ask "when are you going to grow up?", his reply would be "never" -  that's what I love about him.”

The circumstances that led to Trevor’s death are hard to accept for the family, and there are still waves of emotions, and questions to be answered.
“Trevor did not have an aggressive bone in him. He was such a loving person that everyone adored. Since losing him I just don't see the reason to get up in the morning. This has left a void in my life that can never be filled,” Joanne said.

“The fact is this has affected a lot of people including my children. Two of which are finding it hard just to come home because they just don't want to be here without Trevor. The pain that we all feel ... there is just no words to explain it. I cry everyday, my children cry everyday, it's just something that should never have happened.”
Trevor Duroux with grandson
Trevor Duroux with grandson. Source: Supplied
For Lavinia, the incident is still somewhat surreal, but she says there is resentment due to the heartbreak the family is enduring, caused by the actions of others.

“It feels like I’m living in somebody else’s nightmare. You see this sort of stuff on the news, never do you think this kind of thing is going to happen to you or one of your own,” she said.

“I think that the adults around the young man that night also should be held accountable. We still don’t have a clear picture of what exactly happened, the police are being very vague about things, there is no CCTV of the actual punch and no mobile phone footage either, which I think is strange cause with these types of incidents somebody’s always got a phone out.”
Trevor Duroux
Trevor Duroux with some of the members of his family. Source: Supplied
While the family will never be the same again, they will always have fond memories of their beloved Trevor.

“We as a family have to stay strong together and support all in this very hard time in our life,” Joanne tells NITV.

“He will never ever be forgotten in my home, his pictures are on the walls and we're speaking about him everyday, our memories are all we have left so they will be cherished and locked in our mind and hearts."

"Rest in peace my beautiful angel. Until we meet again."

5 min read
Published 27 January 2016 4:13pm
Updated 28 January 2016 6:48pm
By Jodan Perry
Source: NITV News

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